Katelyn Krumrey Memorial Scholarship Fund

Kate’s Story
Kate was born on June 20, 1989. She was diagnosed with Type 1 / Juvenile Diabetes at the age of 3. Her life was not an easy one. She was diagnosed at a time when the advancements we see today were not available. She lived life with a passion in everything that she did. She was the mother to two boys and graduated from nursing school despite the many health complications she was experiencing.
On October 19, 2018, Kate unexpectedly went to be with Jesus. That is the day that her mom lost her daughter and all hope. Terra, Kate’s mom fell into a dark place where no one could rescue her. Terra was alive but not living; she was existing, barely surviving, and mad at the world.
Terra wanted to be well, but she didn’t know how. Finding Emotional Recovery Clinic took Terra a long time and lots of guidance. In the fall of 2021 Terra attended the very first clinic held by Keisha. Terra will tell you that her faith and hope restored at the clinic, and she found purpose to her pain. Since then, Terra has served alongside Keisha at numerous conferences, helping others find healing.
In 2022 God laid it on Terra’s heart to find a way to keep Kate’s legacy alive for Kate’s two young boys. The youngest was not yet a year old when Kate died. Terra prayed about how this would be done and was sure it was to be a scholarship fund at a local school because Kate was an excellent student all throughout school. That was not God’s plan, and she soon found out that the scholarship was to be a part of Emotional Recovery.
Your donations to the Katelyn Krumrey Memorial Scholarship Fund will help pay the expenses for others to attend a clinic, conference, or other services provided through Emotional Recovery. There will be a preference given to people who are seeking healing from the loss of a child.
If you ever get the opportunity to talk with Terra she will tell you that she walked in darkness for 2 ½ years and was ready to give up when she found herself at Keisha’s clinic. Terra began her healing journey that fall weekend back in 2021. Now she desires to help as many people as she can find healing. Kate and Terra’s story to this day remains a part of the Emotional Recovery Clinic.

Eli Kate’s oldest son (then nine years old) called Keisha to thank her for helping his Momma, and that was the beginning of building Kate’s legacy through Emotional Recovery.
Your donation will allow Eli to continue to be a part of keeping his Mommy’s legacy alive and allow Razi to see what a beautiful gift his Mommy is giving to others even though she is no longer with us. The goal is to make 1,000.00 a month available to be used for someone else’s healing. This means the annual goal for Kate’s legacy fund is $12,000.